Jail/Prison Ministry
Matthew 25:36 and context declare the value of visiting those behind bars. Mrs. Barb McDonough now serves in the outreach to women in prison.
Junior Church
Mark 10:14-15, Proverbs 22:6, and other passages confirm the vital importance of teaching Bible truths to children while they are young and pliable. Mrs. Ann O'Connor, and Bro. Caleb Kennedy, along with older young people of the church, faithfully serve each week in this vital ministry.
Ladies of Faith
Each week, a group of our ladies meet to read aloud the names of each of the missionaries and ministries supported by Faith Baptist Church and to pray for those missionaries. Birthday, anniversary and encouragement cards are also signed and mailed to the missionaries. Mrs. Barb McDonough, assisted by Mrs. Ann Jones, leads this vital ministry. Any lady is welcome to join them. They meet each Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
Men of Faith
Every Saturday at 6:30 p.m., the men of FBC gather to share prayer requests, pray for each other, and get some encouragement from God's Word. Interim Pastor Alan Archer leads this weekly ministry and all men are invited to join them.
Nursing Home
Currently, the nursing homes are requesting "no visitors." Once these ministries reopen, we will let you know.
Open-Forum Bible Study
Principles taught in II Timothy 2:15, I Peter 3:15, and other passages are behind this special hour, Monday through Friday mornings each week at 8:00 A.M. Bible questions posed by attendees are discussed and answered from the Scriptures.
Wednesday Youth Ministries
I Corinthians 13:11(a) speaks of children being children. Mrs. Ann O'Connor, McKenna O'Connor, and Jessica Broward lead the "Little Praisers" (ages 3-6). Bro. David & Mrs. Bethel Stone, and Bro. Blaine & Mrs. Jayne Card lead our "Patch the Pirate Club" (ages 7-12). These ministries meet each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in which children have fun while learning character building and other Bible principles.
I Corinthians 13:11 speaks of transitioning between childhood and adult behavior. The years between childhood and mature adult present challenges for young people as well as for their mentors.
James 1:27 teaches the importance of visiting the hurting; Acts 20:20 applies visiting to house-to-house evangelism; II Corinthians 7:6 confirms the blessing of having a visitor come when we are down.